Indian fashion sequin shoulder bags, Kashmiri suede purses, colorful long tie-die skirts, w/ mirrors, bells, and exquisite jewelry
Great prices on exquisite Indian long skirts, sequin shoulder bags, fashion designer jewelry, embroidered tunics and jamawar kashmiri shawls
Best Value at Best Prices for Indian skirts and Kashmiri hand-bags and stolls, shawls, beautiful jewelry

Rad Costume Medieval Chic Hi Low Skirt, Catawba Handkerchief Hem Double Layered Short Skirt
Catawba Handkerchief Hem Double Layered Short Skirt
Rad Costume Medieval Chic Hi Low Skirt
This is a renaissance chic modern skirt with a medieval-style flare in a medium-dark shade of pink-red great for the rodeo or your next trip to the renaissance fair or a part of your Halloween costume! Its gorgeous hemline is framed by abstract embroidery, creating an eye-catching masterpiece. The perfect skirt for the on-the-go woman due to its versatile nature, you can wear this skirt with a simple, light blouse in the summer, or leggings, a sweater, and boots in winters. Perfect to show that your chic and groovy boho style, you can create dozens of unique outfits throughout the year with this neo-renaissance skirt.
  • Length: 18" - 27"
  • Waist: 26"-34"(Elastic and Drawstring)
  • Material: 100% Rayon
  • Care: Recommended hand wash.

Catawba Handkerchief Hem Double Layered Short Skirt

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Polkadot Inc: Sale on Indian fashion sequin shoulder bags, colorful long skirts - tie-dye, mirrors, bells, gypsy hippy style and exquisite jewelry

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